Just Like That, I am Back

 If I said I was back, would you believe me? Blogging is complicated, and there are so many "get rich quick" blogging schemes that make it look like you are a lost cause if you are not currently earning money blogging. And why are you even blogging if you don't have multiple streams of income and entertainment. If you don't have a brand? I do have this website, but I do not have Instagram, Twitter, TikTok (you don't want to see me dance), or whatever is next.  Heck, I haven't even updated this since before the pandemic. So why am I here, writing about being back and then, probably ghosting for another two years? Life has been rough. It's been painful and overwhelming. I am so thankful for you my readers, or what is left of you. I am so thankful you are reading this post. I am so thankful that you are still committed to making the world a more exciting and more sustainable place.  Keep up-cycling my friends, and you never know, I might be back again with an

T-Shirt Makeover

You know that you have one lying in your closet, that T-shirt you love, but just is not figure flattering. I have more then a few and I decided to grab a T-Shirt that I needed to wear for the Memorial Day parade and take it from baggy to fitted and figure flattering.

So here is the T-Shirt Before:

Not a bad shirt, just baggy and really not figure flattering.

First, find a shirt that you like the cut of. I actually grabbed a shirt I found at H&M for $4.95. I really liked the neckline when I wore it, but I didn't like the sleeves. I took the H&M shirt and put it over the T-shirt in need of a makeover.

I traced a line along the neckline of the H&M shirt, flipped the shirt over, and  traced along the back of the neckline.

I really didn't want to much of a dip so I just kind of traced slightly below the original collar.

Now have some fun cutting out your new neckline. No fears, you can do this just cut along the purple line you made.

So now to take in the rest of the shirt. The shape of the H&M shirt wasn't really what I was going for, I just wanted to taper my shirt in a bit at the waist, but leave the bottom wide (I have had two kids and do not have skinny hips).

I used my trusty purple fabric pen and marked the shirt where I thought it needed to be taken in:

I started cutting away and decided that the arms needed to come up a little bit:

Sleeves on your standard T-shirt are pretty baggy and roomy is good for some things (hips) my arms needed a little more tailoring. You just need to flip your T-shirt inside out and start sewing. I used my serger, but if you are using a standard sewing machine choose the zig-zag stitch.

Now turn your shirt inside out and put it on, you stylish diva you.

Time to rock your Tee in a Memorial Day Parade.

Let me know if you try this, you won't regret it.

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Brandi said…
I LOVE that! I think it is so awesome and it looks super duper easy too!
Kelly said…
I think this is a great idea! Thanx for posting!
Hey! We saw that you entered our blog design giveaway at Skip To My Lou a little while back, and we want to offer you 30% off any blog design package! Please contact us at bloggyblogdesignz@gmail.com if you're interested. Thanks!
Letherton said…
what a great idea
I stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hi.
Take a minute an check my blog out if you haven't already.
I have lots of great giveaways going on.
Thanks :)

what a great idea! There are always so many tee shirt that could be made cute! Great idea!

Unknown said…
fun designs! I look forward to seeing my recycled pillow on Tuesday! THANK YOU!
Mama Lusco said…
Looks good! I like to reshape my baggy t's like this, too :)
Minoaka Mama said…
What a great idea! I think I may to give it a try. New follower found you on Domestic Deadline..I love reading all yout tutorials!

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