Just Like That, I am Back

 If I said I was back, would you believe me? Blogging is complicated, and there are so many "get rich quick" blogging schemes that make it look like you are a lost cause if you are not currently earning money blogging. And why are you even blogging if you don't have multiple streams of income and entertainment. If you don't have a brand? I do have this website, but I do not have Instagram, Twitter, TikTok (you don't want to see me dance), or whatever is next.  Heck, I haven't even updated this since before the pandemic. So why am I here, writing about being back and then, probably ghosting for another two years? Life has been rough. It's been painful and overwhelming. I am so thankful for you my readers, or what is left of you. I am so thankful you are reading this post. I am so thankful that you are still committed to making the world a more exciting and more sustainable place.  Keep up-cycling my friends, and you never know, I might be back again with an

The Last Day of Stashbusting September

Can you believe it? Stashbusting September is almost over and today is your last chance to link up your Stashbusting efforts.

In case you forgot everything can be linked up:

Our judges will each present their top three choices and I will round things up to make it a top ten.

You, the fabulous audience, will be able to vote and the top three crafts will recieve fabulous prizes mailed out from Terracycle!

So what did you think about Stashbusting September. Should we do it again? Did you obstain? Did you have fun?

Here are a few things I learned:

  • It is not wise to sign up for a cake decorating class at JoAnn fabrics during a stashbusting challenge. I mean I learned to make some great cakes, but it is just cruel and painful to have to go into that store and not buy anything.
Cake Rules!

  • I do not need to go to Goodwill every Sunday to scoop up the newest dollar deals. I only went to goodwill once this month and it was to drop things off. I am going to try to keep away from Goodwill until more of my crafting stash is busted!
  •  I am truly blessed to have everything I have. Shopping will not make my life better, just messier.
  • Blogging takes a lot more time then I ever thought. I was able to get a lot of stash cleaning this month, but crafting, not so much. On a positive note I have had a great time keeping up with Stashbusting September. Checking out and becoming addicted to all of your awesome blogs!
  • Life is much better when you get organized. If nothing else I am much more organized now that I have gone through my stash, took note of what I had, and got rid of what I didn't need. I can safely say I am no longer one bag away from being on Hoarders!
Well thanks everyone! You guys have been wonderful this month. I would love to see your comments on what you have learned this month, will you continue stashbusting, and how has not buying improved your crafting life.

Talk to me. I read all comments!

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Hello Robin,

This stashbusting experience was awesome. I've learned I can go a whole month without buying supplies and will keep my shopping under control, do more recycling and upcycling. I did get down to my last 4-5 sticks of hot glue but mostly it was great to be forced to inventory the goodies in my cabinets and bins and drawers. It was very much needed and helped me channel a new type of creativity: the art of the make-do.

The challenge has also been just the nudge I needed to get most of my UFO projects finished - save one... oops it's also the biggest and the longest running: my bad...

You have been such a wonderful host even though you already had so much on your plate! I'm sure everyone that took part will agree with me : YAY for stashbusting! I will definitely do it again. Prize or no prize it was a great idea! Count me in for the next challenge.

Thanks again for everything

Unknown said…
I actually decided that I have to extend my stashbusting another month. Yes, that's right. If I succeed (gulp) I will have gone TWO WHOLE MONTHS without buying more craft supplies!!! (I may have to make an exception for hot glue. That stuff goes fast.)

And yes, I think you should do it again. I think it should be a somewhat regular occurrence! I actually had a few people ask me toward the end of the month if it was too late to take the challenge. Maybe it would be fun to ask around and see if there are other blogs that would be willing to host it?? Then you could switch off who hosts the stashbust party and do it maybe every other month? Or every three months??? Just rambling now...
MJ said…
LOL with Halloween around the corner this was actually my most expensive month this year... I just couldnt do a stash bust in september. if you do another one (far away from Halloween), I will gladly participate :)
Jan said…
Thank for creating this challenge. Sometimes it was hard to not buy supplies but it did get easier. It did encourage creativity and it did encourage organization.
In my last post I did whine. But I am over it. I will continue to clean and organize for another month. I will try not to buy craft supplies for at least another week. Sewing supplies -- that's another story....
Because you helped me to face my mess, collections, etc., I have decided to downsize. I will be opening an etsy shop very soon to sell off some vintage patterns, books, buttons. There I have said it publicly, so I have to follow through. Thank you again for this experience. I won't say it has been life changing but it certainly has been a reality check.
This has been a great experience and one I would do again ( OK maybe January?!). It jump started my creativity and made me explore some new ways to use things as well as making me use things that I'd bought but was reluctant to use for dumb reasons like: "this was one of a kind; what if I mess it up" etc. Really silly to buy stuff if you're not going to use it and we're creative people so if you hate something, give it a makeover! The hardest part was having a birthday during the month and getting a lovely gift card to Michaels but I didn't use it!! OK I will be using it tomorrow but I didn't "oops" and I really thought I was going to have to use the "oops" button. And, it was a wonderful way to meet some new bloggers and it was lovely to see people encouraging each other.
Kristy said…
Great challenge. I would love to do it again. Maybe in January when I'm broke from Christmas ;)

I have done this challenge a few times in the past. What has happened is that I shop differently as a result. I only buy what I need or what I will use with in that paycheck time period. The exception being vacation items that I can't get at home.

I find that I am more creative because i am forced to come up with creative solutions vs running out to the store. Also I have more time to craft, because shopping does use up a lot more energy and time.

I couldn't post everything that I made this month, because some of them were Christmas presents for friends and family who do read my blog.

Thank you for hosting this challenge.
Unknown said…
Love stashbusting! I haven't accomplished everything I had planned, but I am going to keep going! I am also going to join Shannon's Use Your Crap Challenge to finish out some of my projects. With Christmas coming I'll be shopping some, but I am determined to get a handle on my stash!

Stashbusting September was awesome for me just to get all my supplies organized. I now know what I have so that I don't run to the store to buy something that I already have. It also makes me think more about how to use what I have since I KNOW that I have it now. :)

Thanks for hosting an awesome September!
Unknown said…
Thanks sooo much for hosting this fun event! I had a great month going through all of my crafting supplies.. managed to get through one ENTIRE box and make some adorable decorations for my home! I can't wait to do this again next year and see what damage I have done. I have also enjoyed following YOUR blog.. you seem like a truly amazing woman who is helping to change the lives of others.. good for you!
Thanks again!
Clair said…
This has been a great nudge in the right direction for me - even though life took over at the beginning of September and has meant that I couldn't participate as much as I'd planned. Already looking forward to next year though so thanks for all your hard work x
Anne K. said…
I just posted my podcast about going through the stash and getting organized. Annie Smith from Quilting Stash was my guest, and she confirmed that getting organized truly frees you to enjoy what you have and not need more!
Michelle L. said…
Thank you again for all the tiiiiiime you have put into this! So many amazing ideas have resulted, and it was undeniable both fun and virtuous. We are all just too cool for school.
Unknown said…
Dang, I wish I had found your blog at the beginning of the month! I have a large stash that needs some busting right now. I tried to make myself do one thing each day, but so far, it only works like 2 days a week if I am lucky. Most of my stash is old clothes and sheets and stuff to be repurposed, but some is several years old and store-bought. (Maybe I will do my own stashbusting month soon...)

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