Just Like That, I am Back

 If I said I was back, would you believe me? Blogging is complicated, and there are so many "get rich quick" blogging schemes that make it look like you are a lost cause if you are not currently earning money blogging. And why are you even blogging if you don't have multiple streams of income and entertainment. If you don't have a brand? I do have this website, but I do not have Instagram, Twitter, TikTok (you don't want to see me dance), or whatever is next.  Heck, I haven't even updated this since before the pandemic. So why am I here, writing about being back and then, probably ghosting for another two years? Life has been rough. It's been painful and overwhelming. I am so thankful for you my readers, or what is left of you. I am so thankful you are reading this post. I am so thankful that you are still committed to making the world a more exciting and more sustainable place.  Keep up-cycling my friends, and you never know, I might be back again with an

Stash Busting Idea #7

You know that bag, scrapbook, blanket, toy, etc. you started to make when your child was just born. You lovingly picked out the design, fabrics, and everything else. Well we all know what happens....

As psyched up as you were to take on this beautiful handmade project for your new bundle of joy, that very bundle of joy takes up so much of your time and energy.
Pretty soon crafting is something that is just not a top, or even middle priority. 

Thank you for being honest with us Lu over at just Lu. Your Year long diaper bag is amazing, and yes I know why it took you a year to complete.

Love it! And we know that if we try it with our fabrics that are in our stash it will not take a year ;) unless of course we have another baby.

So go check out what Just Lu did to make this bag rock....

on another note how is stash busting going for you? Have you put a dent in your stockpile of fabrics. 
I have to say that while I have not put a HUGE dent in my stash I have put a huge dent in the wonderful world of setting up my craft shop. I can not wait to show off pictures of what my hubby and I have put together.

So leave a comment below, let me know how Stashbusting September is going for you.

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Anonymous said…
Thanks for hosting Stash Busting it's been great for me so far. It's really gotten me motivated to finish the thinks that have been sitting on my list forever. I have all the stuff, I just needed the motivation to finish what I have before getting anything else!!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for hosting Stash Busting it's been great for me so far. It's really gotten me motivated to finish the thinks that have been sitting on my list forever. I have all the stuff, I just needed the motivation to finish what I have before getting anything else!!!
Nora said…
I've had to put stashbusting on hold this week for my child doing online school at home. I've got enough stash that if I had the time to do a project a day, I could go for at LEAST 2 yrs! *LOL* I will be stashbusting as often as possible well beyond September, because I really do need to get all of this done. I may have enough product for an etsy shop later - will keep you posted!
Michelle L. said…
It has been so great! My husband loves that I'm not constantly darting into thrift stores. My neighborhood dollar store sent me a get well soon card. This is fun! My stash isn't REALLY any smaller since I'm making tiny jewelry projects, but I feel very virtuous.
Unknown said…
Aww, thanks for featuring me! When I first got going with Stashbusting September, I was so excited to try and come up with something amazing from just what I had on hand... but now I realize that I will be well through September before I even finish all the once-started projects in my stash! This diaper bag was my biggest goal though, so thanks for the giving me the kick in the rear to get it going again. :)
Clair said…
I've had to put a lot of crafting on hold just recently, but I've been really good and haven't bought anything new! I've got a few projects in the making (but not the finishing!) and I'm alreayd hoping that you'll organise this again next year.
Tami said…
Does it count as Stash Busting if you sell it? So, my first priority of Stash busting was cleaning and organizing my craft space:) In the process I sold a bunch -- made $100 and have actually been able to see what I have and what projects I want to finish! Thanks for hosting Stash Busting, it was the motivation I needed to get moving on my crafts again and make my space a place I can actually craft:)
Robin Ange said…
Well if you are selling it and are not using the money to buy new crafting materials then heck yeah it's busting some stash. Where did you sell it. Congrats!
If I wasnt in school I would participate in your Stash Busting. The bag in this post is cute. I have a scarf that I started to knit that has been in the cubbard for 3 years now, maybe one day.
Lyn said…
This is really fun! One side effect is that I'm getting somewhat more organized.
Check my blog for a cute "monster doll' I just made: http://barefootbeader.blogspot.com/

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