Just Like That, I am Back

 If I said I was back, would you believe me? Blogging is complicated, and there are so many "get rich quick" blogging schemes that make it look like you are a lost cause if you are not currently earning money blogging. And why are you even blogging if you don't have multiple streams of income and entertainment. If you don't have a brand? I do have this website, but I do not have Instagram, Twitter, TikTok (you don't want to see me dance), or whatever is next.  Heck, I haven't even updated this since before the pandemic. So why am I here, writing about being back and then, probably ghosting for another two years? Life has been rough. It's been painful and overwhelming. I am so thankful for you my readers, or what is left of you. I am so thankful you are reading this post. I am so thankful that you are still committed to making the world a more exciting and more sustainable place.  Keep up-cycling my friends, and you never know, I might be back again with an

Exit Interview: Christie from JoyFoolery

So sad to see Christie go because I love her amazing work. Please be sure to check out her blog and enjoy more of her earth friendly crafting!

Christie of JoyFoolery

My blog, Joyfoolery, is about my sewing journey and a little bit of fun and everyday stuff thrown in too.  The unique thing about Joyfoolery is that I never buy new fabrics (in fact I never have!).  Everything I sew comes from secondhand fabrics or clothing that I find in op shops (thrift stores).  I have such a good time scouring the op shops looking for goodies to upcycle or refashion.  Some of these items I even sell in my little Madeit store

I started blogging 4 years ago to keep my parents in touch with my growing family, I'd throw in gardening and sewing posts and before I knew it, I had quite a few readers that weren't actually related to me! Haha.  So then I got blogging for real and just loved the online community I found and continue to find.

I started upcycling clothes when I first taught myself to sew, around 4 years ago.  I didn't want to go out and destroy brand new fabric with my terrible sewing skills, so it made sense at the time and has continued to do so.

One of my favorite projects was the Gardener's Seed Organiser using pockets from old jeans, that I gave my husband for Christmas last year.  He loved it and uses it, which is the main thing!

If I could pick any craft to be able to just "do" without all the learning involved it would be knitting.  I have dabbled a little, but as soon as I make a mistake, I have to wait until my Mum visits to get me out of my jam!  And seeing I only get to see her twice a year my knitting has never really taken off!

I want to say a huge thank you to Robin, not only for having me here, but for promoting upcycling and refashioning on her blog here.  I think it is so important to encourage people to think beyond buying new and find a love for making old things new again.  I'd love to see you all over at my blog, I share tutorials and upcycling ideas and love making new bloggy friends or you can catch the highlights on my Facebook page.

Thanks Robin!

Thank you Christie!



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