Just Like That, I am Back

 If I said I was back, would you believe me? Blogging is complicated, and there are so many "get rich quick" blogging schemes that make it look like you are a lost cause if you are not currently earning money blogging. And why are you even blogging if you don't have multiple streams of income and entertainment. If you don't have a brand? I do have this website, but I do not have Instagram, Twitter, TikTok (you don't want to see me dance), or whatever is next.  Heck, I haven't even updated this since before the pandemic. So why am I here, writing about being back and then, probably ghosting for another two years? Life has been rough. It's been painful and overwhelming. I am so thankful for you my readers, or what is left of you. I am so thankful you are reading this post. I am so thankful that you are still committed to making the world a more exciting and more sustainable place.  Keep up-cycling my friends, and you never know, I might be back again with an

Project Recycled Season Two Finale

Can you believe that we are here. We are at the finale's. Congratulations to Michka and Lujica for making it this far. I am so excited to share the final two awesome entries that I can not wait to make for my little one!

So enjoy and go ahead and vote your little heart out.
Lucija's Dress Time
For this challenge I wanted to make something for my sweet little daughter. As you can imagine, I have a one closet full of garments waiting to be re-purposed so I found this three items:

And here is what I turned it into:

First I made a pair of leggins and a Retro Baby Turban. Then I cut my husband´s shirt and with just a few stitches sewed this awesome tunic!

It was simple and fast.

I added little red buttons to make it more feminine.

Well yes, she really was not in the mood for taking pictures. You see, I had this great idea for taking photos of this outfit by the lake but it is so cold here we still wear jacket, so this idea was off and I had to take pictures indoors. Unfortunately, she is never in the mood for taking pictures inside.
But she is still very cute, don't you think?

Michka's Hawaiian Dress

It's hard to believe we're already to the last challenge!  I'll hardly know what to do with myself after this ;).
My husband came to me months ago with this old Hawaiian shirt of his and said I should make it into a dress for our daughter. I agreed but was hesitant because I had no idea where to begin, and it almost became forgotten.  Then last week I watched a couple tutorials on YouTube on how to shirr fabric (now I'm hooked) & decided that's exactly what I wanted to do to this shirt and the dress started forming from there...

There were a lot of changes to get the 2X men's shirt down to a size fit for a girl.  

  • First I removed the collar.  
  • Then I shirred the back of the shirt from armpit to armpit to form a waistline. 
  • I used elastic around the armholes to shrink them down and shirred 1 row on the sleeve edge to give it a feminine look.  
  • Shortening the shoulders was really tricky but I made it work by pleating it.  I turned the shirt around and used the back as the front so I then had to create a new neckline (not something I've done before...).  
  • Finally I used button closures on the top half of the back. 
And there you have it: A fantastic Hawaiian dress ANY girl would LOVE! :)



Christie said…
Good luck to the final two, I've cast my vote!
Maxabella said…
You are unbelievably clever. I love both these outfits. Good luck! x

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